When Babies Cry; It’s Communication, Not Manipulation

Ever wondered why babies cry? Every parent has experienced the heart-wrenching sound of their baby crying. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or even helpless. However, it’s important to understand that crying is a baby’s primary way of communicating. Contrary to a common misconception, babies do not cry to manipulate their parents. This idea stems from the notion that responding to a baby’s cries will spoil them or make them dependent. However, research has shown that this is not the case. Babies do not have the cognitive ability to manipulate others; they cry because they have a genuine need.

One frequently misunderstood cause of prolonged crying is INFANTILE COLIC!!

What is Infantile Colic?

Infantile colic is a condition where a baby cries or fusses frequently and for extended periods without any apparent reason. This crying often occurs in the late afternoon or evening and can last for hours. Colic typically starts when a baby is a few weeks old and is related to digestive discomfort.

Signs that your baby might be experiencing colic include:

Intense crying bouts that last for three or more hours a day.

Crying that happens at the same time every day, often in the late afternoon or evening.

The baby pulling their legs up to their stomach or clenching their fists.

A bloated or tight stomach.

Understanding these signs can help you determine if your baby is experiencing colic and needs specific attention to their digestive discomfort.

How Can Colibel Drops Help?

For parents dealing with a colicky baby, finding relief can be challenging. This is where Colibel Drops come into play. Colibel Drops are formulated to help ease the symptoms of stomach discomfort and colic in babies. Here’s how they work:

Simethicone: This ingredient helps break up gas bubbles in the baby’s stomach, making it easier for them to pass gas and relieve discomfort.

Dill Oil: Known for its soothing properties, dill oil helps relax the digestive muscles and reduce gas.

Fennel Oil: Fennel oil has been traditionally used to treat digestive issues. It helps reduce bloating and eases stomach cramps.

Using Colibel Drops is simple. Just follow the dosage instructions provided, and administer the drops directly into your baby’s mouth. Many parents have found that Colibel Drops bring much-needed relief to both the baby and the family.

Remember, it’s not manipulation—it’s communication. And with the right remedy like Colibel Drops, you can help your baby find comfort and calm amidst the distress of stomach discomfort.

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