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About Us

Marcson Healthcare Ltd

Marcson Healthcare Limited was incorporated as a limited liability company in February 2008. The founders are experienced professionals with varying experience of 20-30 years in the marketing of pharmaceutical and health related products in Nigeria.
Marcson is a fully indigenous Nigerian company and it currently acts as pharmaceutical representatives and distributors with a medium to long term objective of building its own pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities in Nigeria.
Marcson Healthcare has formed alliances with foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers, especially from China, India

marcsonhealth office

Our Products

pilorem 80/10
pilorem tablet
Marcsons Diaper Rash
Marcson diaper rash
Colibel Drops
Colibel Drops
Marcnol Tablet
Tandak Injection
TANDAK Injection
Marcfix Suspension
MArcfix Suspension
Iron Sucrose Injection
Iron sucrose injection

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health is wealth
Health Tips

Health is wealth

health is the most important asset we possess. It is the foundation of our happiness, success, and overall well-being. When we are healthy, we can

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News and Event

Updates and Event


On January 2023, MARCSON HEALTHCARE had her 11th National Sales Conference at the Conference Hotel, University of Ibadan, Oyo State. Going back in history, the

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